a w a y

By PoWWow

Wonder Women

Perhaps some of the best imaginable days can arise unexpectedly out of a cold grey November day in the ram spanked capital, but in retrospect, it was inevitably going to be incredible when you start the day with lady on the left and finish it with lady on the right. I so wanted the two to overlap; with their similarly firey indisputable legendary brilliance, upon meeting they were bound to break out with requited razzleness for each other - but oh well, I had to make do with linking the two with a bunch of trains + buses + ambiguous walks, never losing however, the gawky manic grin pasting my face with shear appreciative delight.

Lady on the left and I, accidentally stayed up chattering the chimes out of the night bells + found ourselves being greedy in blissful banter and were momentarily astonished to be welcoming in the morning squaks of the South London bird orchestra. "Argh, we should pipe down... Should we pipe down..?! .... Yes, we should definitely pipe down...." and eventually at some point, we snoozed into a half cut spinny sleep. There was only one thing for it when we arose with hazy heads and cooked an almighty delicious breakfast [pictured] that sent me on way, albeit unashamedly sad to part with this amazing woman but delectably reinvigorated and ready for awesomecore woman #3 of this frantic friendship worshipping 24 hours in London.

And there in the depths of some riverbank industrial estate, sat the impressively scintillating realms of The Reach; a.k.a. Karmel's climbing wall. We somewhat manically induced a great amount of triple strength soya coffees into our systems whilst frantically catching up on extracts from each other's last six months until she finished work [pictured, at] - and then - we went climbing ! And then - completely exhausted, we all piled back to her place + exchanged massage for massage + tale for tale.

Until we realised it'd got very very late, all over again.

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