Dolly and the giant seashell

I'd been wanting to give the bunnies a sandbox for a while, I'd seen it some bunnies online with one! They weren't entirely sure at first, but Kiki seems quite taken with it, she's even had a nap in it! I came in this morning to find lots of little paw prints, they've obviously been running around in it, I'm pleased they like it!

We had Kiki and Hubert up at the vet this morning! Kiki got an ultrasound of her liver, which meant she had to have a square shaved off her tummy! Ingeborg couldn't make out anything obvious, but it is hard to visualise clearly given rabbit anatomy, but pleased there was nothing obvious sticking out! Hubert also needed seeing to, we noticed something sticking out of his paw last night when we trimmed his nails! Turns out it is a cutaneous keratin growth, apparently common enough and not something to worry about! It can't be removed without a surgery, but hopefully a regular trim will be all it required! It's in a slightly awkward place on his paw so we will just keep an eye on it!

Sorry I'm so behind on at the moment, I will catch up with everyone shortly! I've just backblipped Thursday, Saturday and Sunday!

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