The Many Adventures of Minny Blipper

Meanwhile, what was happening to our poor Minny.

There he was dumped at the hospital in ER;  no-one to support him and no-one to help.

All he could see was nurses scurrying here, there and everywhere.  He could not feel his dis-located arm, so he wasn't precisely in a great deal of pain, and after a while, he began to enjoy himself.    After all Marie wasn't there, and the nurses were all young and pretty.  Especially the little blond one, with the glasses.  He found the glasses extremely fetching, even though she was slightly cross-eyed.

He hoped that she would come and hold his hand when the doctor relocated  his arm in the socket again.  He had heard on the grapevine that it was an easy process, this relocation.  But it wouldn't hurt to have his hand held, now would it.  Especially as no-one was going to tell Marie.

The doctor finally come over for the operation - and Minny (who couldn't bear to watch) turned his head and saw the most amazing sight.  He could not believe his eyes, and quickly snatched his hand away from the little blond nurse.  He saw ..................

(Join me next week same time same place, to see exactly what it was that Minny saw.)

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