
By littleonion

All done

Recovering now at fella's from last chemo. Cried a lot in the ward and nurses said that i had to remember i was mentally as well as physically exhausted. Sounds daft but id never thought about being mentally exhausted. Had an awful feeling that i was going to throw up, which I've not done before but sure enough as first needle went in I did!
During treatment had lovely chat to the nurses , both of whom it turns out had been taught by one of our good friends. At the end of the session the nurse said that "Eeh it doesn't feel like we've been giving you chemotherapy, it just feels like we've had a lovely chat."
So now our lives can return to normal for a bit. Just in time for my birthday at beginning of December, then a party on the eigth, Boy 1's bithday on the ninth, then the festivities.
Thank you to all my wise and lovely blip friends. You have no idea how much I appreciate you all.

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