Sunny Day and Friday

Thanks god its Friday again!
Spent almost all morning on the phone with HMRC and on email with my accountant.
They somehow thought I would be earning my bonus everymonth and recalculated the tax accordingly!
I learnt more about UK tax law than I ever wanted!

Had to catch up with work then and was too late for the usual café, so I went via the Botanics to Nardini’s for a Capuccino. 

The music was quite loud and they were plying proper rock music. It felt wrong for an old fashioned Ice cream Parlour. But for me it was just right!
When they started playing Perl Jam live albums, I was totally hooked and ordered another coffee.
It was a nice way to chill down after the last few busy days.

I walked home via waitrose and Neil was home already.

Not sure, but I think we cooked some salmon and went on the couch.

Blipping the Kibble Palace

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