Dumfries and Galloway
Exploration day 4.
If you are getting a little weary of this series, don’t worry, only one more day to go.
Today it was the peninsular south of Stranraer.
Stop 1. Morrisons supermarket for petrol. Lots of wildlife there.
Stop 2. East facing beach at Ardwell. A walk along the beach showed lots of wild plants in flower together with many sand loving plants such as sea blite, sea campion and others. But the proof that summer has not entirely gone was a very large display of Rosa rugosa one of which I show as an extra.
Stop 3. The main objective of the day, the Mull of Galloway. This is the most southerly point in Scotland. Here there is a lighthouse, an RSPB Centre and an excellent cliff top cafe.
My main shot show the view looking out to sea towards the Isle of Man.
We climbed down the 150 steps to the Fog Horn with signs warning about sudden very loud noise. But the real joy was to watch the Gannets diving into the sea for fish. Remarkable birds.
Stop 4. Logan Botanic Gardens. A branch of the Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden. A wonderful place with a microclimate created by the Gulf Stream, a sheltering hill and a walled garden. So many plants and trees that you would never expect to see flourishing so far north. My second extra just gives a taste.
The cliff top had a very stiff breeze but the sun came out for the gardens in the afternoon.
Another excellent day.
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