£500 Bargain

It had been a fairly sunny morning, but clouded over by lunchtime.  Less wind, and not as cold.

Again, another day working on the museum desk.  This Wool Week women have kept me busy all day, and more classes etc on again today.  Met up with friend Julie and Keba this evening, and headed out with Sammy too.  Off to work in the pub later. 

I bit closer to town for my lunchtime walk, and headed to the Gulberwick beach.  On my way back to work, I snapped this sign.  It's been here since I got back from holiday.  What was for sale?  Or is it that plastic lights?  Or could it be the sign for a bargain price of £500? Or did I miss out while away, and missed the bargain of the year?  Too many unknown questions needing answered!  And why wasn't it taken away?  Taken at the South end of Gulberwick. 

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