eve believe

A random moment captured as Eve cuddled the babe. She was so upset tonight after a difficult day at school. We’ll be in to speak to the teacher tomorrow and I’m quietly making enquiries at other schools as we need to move her now if we’re going to as we apply for Zeke’s place soon. I’m hoping that the way our meeting is handled tomorrow will help us decide what to do. I really don’t want to unsettle her if it can be helped.

So grateful for our little girl, talking to us and being free to have a meltdown - I’m hoping it’s a sign she knows she’s loved unconditionally. I’m also grateful that Isaac is finally doing a number 2 as I type - I’ve been waiting 3 days for it....!

My day with Zeke and Isaac was utterly glorious too. So lots of things to feel thankful for today!

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