Dolly's bunny bonding school

Lesson one of bunny bonding school, no biting the other bunnies! All of the buns in attendance at today's bonding class behaved very well, no biting and hardly any squabbling! We did have to have to a line up at end to determine which bun nibbled a hole in the bag of chunk, a terrible crime! None of the confessed, so we just let them off with a warning, but I'm keeping my eye on Lafawnda, she may be the smallest, but she's crafty!

The shower is the ideal contained space for bunny bonding, we used the bathtub with Q, Shep and Spot! A little fur to clean up afterwards but it really does the trick! Once they are all comfortable we'll progress to a small enclosure in the kitchen for a bit, hoping they'll all live together happily soon!

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