One day I'll fly away.

Went to the gym this morning, and just as I was leaving, Phyllis came in. She lost her 63 year old son, to prostrate cancer seven weeks ago, and it was her first day back in the gym. I gave her a big hug, and offered her my condolences, which is all you can do really, but it was good to see her anyway. On my way into town, I texted my g/daughter who was in another gym (it's  a new one, and cheaper than mine) & asked her if she fancied going for a coffee. She did, so we went to Costa, and had a girly chat, and discussed what she would like for her birthday. I now have some ideas what she wants. We then went to Boots to sample a few new perfumes, and  we went our separate ways. I went to Lloyds bank to pay a bill, only to discover I didn't have my bank card, which was in my other purse. There was no Open Church today, as they were having a memorial service. I caught the bus home, and J arrived home not long afterwards. 

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