A Roof
I couldn't avoid sitting close to a very smelly person in the train this morning. The "scent" was burnt into my nose all day, the matter what I did.
Then I accidently ripped a bix box of Müsli I carried to work in my big bag and the Müsli was all in and all over the bag, the camera, the phone, the everything, my desk, the floor. Need to replace the bag. What a mess.
In the evening my train ended one station before my final station. Took an hour to find transportation to my final station. With better shoes I would have walked, but impossible. The weather was so nice and I wasn't very happy (to say it kind) not to have the chance for another bicycle ride because I came home too late.
But was sitting on the balcony for 10 minutes when the sky turned red. And saw the ISS go by an hour later and said "Hello" to Astro Alex.
My day.
And now to the night. Good night everybody.
22:00; 11°C
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