Mr Happy and Mr angry

Today it rained and rained and rained and rained. last night I told my mum 'It's raining like you are camping' and she told me that they were moveing garages, thats why. And the house over the road had thrown out these vitage suitcases I so would have had and they are all ruined.

I stayed in and made angry bird cubes from with the nut. Then the postman arrived and bought a lovely present from a friend who offered to send him that angry bird game he really wanted and I failed to get him. He was estatic, of course. It had stopped raining, and I felt he should go for a walk, so all the angry birds had to come. Especially his farorite and most beloved, red. I knew the set I got him wasnt good enough!! he wouldnt admit it!!

I hid red in the climbing wall and he had to climb 'like spiderman' and get him. now he is all sleep in a bed full of pigs and birds.

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