Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

The Bothy

I had in mind something to honour Tim (Sarumstroller) on the Derelict challenge so here it is, a wee bothy we passed on the  way to Yesneby.  Today has been more exploring of sites, a fabulous one, Skara Brae.  A settlement some 5,000 years old and Skaill House.  I loved the house, beautifully decorated, you could just imagine the family sitting around the dining table 150 years ago in their finery.  We also had a close encounter with some owls there.  I have put one of them up as the extra and the cliffs as a second.  If you look closely at the back you can see the old man of Hoy.

I am loading this on the Ferry back to Scrabster so I will be quick.  

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