Yarrow Valley

Friday 28th September 2018

After ironing half of mount everest last night (which made me feel a bit better) I then had a long night's sleep. Woke this morning feeling better and went to play golf with my friend at Yarrow Valley.

It was a gloriously sunny day and amazingly warm, T-shirts only. This was the second hole. On my drive I landed just in front of the lake (lucky!). It's the white dot one quarter in from left and a third from bottom - if you have a big enough screen! It doesn't look like it on the photo but it is on a downward slope. I didn't think I had a chance of getting it over the lake but, after giving my ball the last rites, I gave it a go. I was amazed to see it fly high and then land on the green!  However, on hole three, on a "simple" shot, my ball took a big swing to the right and landed in the middle of a lake so it was bye bye ball after all. 

The fresh air and exercise did me good. Then it was home to do the shopping and prepare an evening meal for a couple of friends coming round tonight. A good day.

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