Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


Today was clearly a day for extreme gardening. My neighbour on one side was out with his power tools attacking a rose covered arbour that had become overgrown, the neighbour on the other side was out with his chainsaw attacking a large tree branch that seems to have blown down last week, and after mowing the weeds, sorry, lawn, I started to attack the field hedge along the side lane. There is one particular rotten tree stump about eight feet high that was completely covered in ivy; indeed, the original tree part was simply dust in the middle and what was left was solely the ivy itself. After about two hours I'd managed to hack it down to just a tangle about four feet high but with the tools I had, that was as much as I could manage. Fortunately, the chainsaw neighbour spotted my predicament and came down to finish the job for me.

Pruning? Hacking? Slashing? Chainsaws? My kind of gardening.

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