Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

A Kinder Scout walk

I popped out for a walk,  it was meant to be a short walk but if only I had taken something to eat it would have been a much longer walk. At least I had a drink in my pack.

It was difficult not to continue to the top.

It was such a beautiful day that it was going to be a great opportunity to take some photos in clear light.   I didn't do the classic round walk on the top but compromised at a slightly lower level.   For those in the know  it was Hayfield - Coldwell Clough -  Kinderlow End - Broad Clough and return via the Reservoir.

The main photo is of William Clough - often the Northern approach for a walker doing the top level walk. Additional photos show that the Kinder Downfall waterfall was almost dry and a lovely view back to Kinder Low.

When out walking I always like to at least say hello to people that I pass sometime there is a grunt in reply or just a smile or sometimes the opportunity to talk to someone about wildlife but today I got to talk to a former work colleague (not seen for a decade). It was great to see him, get an update and fill in a few gaps. He had just done the top level circuit so I suppose I was inspired to go further. Thanks Greg!

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