Squirrel Friday
Another busy day with another short stroll around the park at lunchtime. But the day has been remarkably sunny and there were lots of kids around making lots of noise so there were no many birds around at all.
So here is just a squirrel getting ready to stash his conker somewhere - quite poor quality but it's all I've got.
Spent the afternoon being distracted by the Ryder Cup instead of working, but I've done enough to be satisfied with where I am before my travels next week. We did really well in the afternoon (4-0) after getting slapped in the morning session (1-3), so the overnight score is 5-3 to Europe.
It's an amazing atmosphere - not like normal golf! Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow and Sunday….???
Hope you all have a good weekend. I will catch up tomorrow whilst I'm watching the golf, I promise :)
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