
I was taking a brief sojourn around the garden with Abraham, searching for things to photograph, when I turned around and saw this beautiful image. Needless to say, I stopped looking and took a couple of shots of him. He appears so wise and a little bit 'teenagery' if I dare say it ... Really. Another photo?!! I do so like it when he matches his surroundings!

Anyhoo, while most of Australia are glued to their television sets, eager to know if the Magpies or the Eagles are going to win the AFL championship (or what ever they call it), Little Miss and I are happily avoiding televisions and other people. We'll find out who won if we look out of the window of the car on the way to Mass, and that's enough for us. Mr B has gone over to broinlaw's to watch the game (match?). He's obviously more sociable than we are (or cares ...?)

Abe had a rather pleasant walk at the Wetlands this morning, while the sun was still shining. Later, he and I had a fun game of fetch (he's getting the idea, and is very soft mouthed when I take the ball from him - no tug of war, which is a completely different game, and fingers still very much intact.)

We'll head off to Mass in a bit and then have a quiet night in. I'm thinking a bath might be the way to go. Feeling very jaded after a not very sleepful night last night. Thank goodness nights come around every day, so I can give it another try!


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