Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Friday — Feels More like Home

Today we finally hung some of our paintings and prints. Since mid-June when we said goodbye to our former home, most of our art has been leaning against a wall in the room we’ve designated as Mr.Fun’s office.

Several that we have hung today, including this one directly across the room, “A Familiar Walk” by Susan Rios, are the ones we want to take to our Central Coast home, but they don’t fit in either of our cars. We need to talk to someone who ships art to learn how to get these to Cayucos.

On this last Friday evening in September we’ve enjoyed sitting here looking across the room at art work that we have owned and liked for a long time. We have both commented on how just hanging some art has made this place feel a little more like home.

Yes, those are dog crates on the right side of the photo. That’s where the pups stay when they cannot go with us because the temperature is too hot for them to stay in the car. They love going with us. We also have another set of crates in the bedroom where we sleep. The pups like to sleep in the same room we sleep in. Yes, we are pup crazy.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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