
By Cailleach


You'll be amazed to hear this, but I've been a little irritable recently....and for a change, it's not the customers who are making me grumpy.

We always used to have a vitally important routine at work - a fruit scone in the morning, and a 'fancy' biscuit in the afternoon. These were practically rules for goodness sake!

But now, Sasha has started going to Weightwatchers, and has all the zeal of the newly converted. Calories are anathema....she crosses herself when she passes the bakery, and has taken to tutting at anything more exciting than a celery stick.

Arlene is already the size of a knitting needle, but her personal trainer has told her to lose a kilo before Christmas, so she's on nothing but low fat water....

And Jemma! Well....she's been with us for a year now, yet nobody has ever actually seen her eat anything at all. (She's a bit personal opinion is, that she just gets plugged into the mains overnight, and recharges that way.).....

So I can't have a scone or a biscuit on my own, can's a social thing!

I'm on a diet against my will, and something is going to snap very soon.....but for once, it won't be my waistband......

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