
By Igor

breaker of the rules

She’s off again this morning.  Last charity ride of the year.  

Most bike riders, when preparing for a big ride, start the day with a strong coffee.  It’s a sort of tradition amongst the Velominati, the keepers of strict rules regarding all things cycling.  As well as rules about coffee, they also have strict rules about things like sock length.

Rule No 56 states quite clearly; expresso or macchiato only.  But today she broke that rule, by starting the day with a Lemsip.  And a plain one at that - not a short yellow or a double honey and lemon.

Then she ran foul of rule No 18; Know what to wear.  Do not suffer from kit confusion.  

“Shall I wear my gloves over my mitts?”
“I don’t know whether to take my wind jacket or not.  I’ve got nowhere to put it if it warms up.”

And so it goes.

It’s about 5 degrees as I load the bike into the car.  If it were me, I’d stay in bed under an electric blanket.  But it’s not me, it’s Wonderwoman.

She’s still not fully recovered, hence the Lemsip.  And the kit confusion.  I’m more concerned about the Lemsip - as head coach/mechanic/soignuer I do not want her thrown out for illegal drug use.   It’ll be me who pays the fine.

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