In My World

By JoanneInOz

A treasured gift.

I've spent several hours every day for the past six days helping my son to sort out the horrific mess left in his house after his ex called it quits on their marriage of three years. As there's nothing good to say about her, I won't say anything. But even if I did tell a tale or two, you would all think I was making up stories. Normal people simply don't live, or act, the way she has. But it's over now, my son has his home back and he is once again in control of his own life. He's moving on ...

As I sifted through the assorted boxes she had left behind at the house, I bundled up bags of perfectly good clothing to take to the charity shop. My husband loaded up the back of our work truck with the junk she'd left out the front of the house and took it to the tip. And amid all of the debris, occasionally a treasure would surface.

Over two years ago, a very dear blip friend and artist from Canada painted a portrait of my son's dog, Forrest, from one of the photos I had added to my journal. The parcel arrived with some gifts for my baby grandson as well, including a patchwork bunny-rug (which is now draped over his child-sized lounge chair in his bedroom) and a toy monkey made by my friend (which is on his bed for him to cuddle each night when he is at my son's place).

In the main thoroughfare of the house, the kitchen/dining area, the painting of Forrest takes pride of place. Paula's amazing artwork has been proudly displayed where my son and grandson can see their beautiful girl each day, even though Forrest lives with me now. Sadly, Forrest couldn't cope with the unsettled household any more than my son could. My son persevered to try and keep his family together - Forrest simple couldn't cope, but these days she is far more settled and my son and grandson visit her regularly.

And now I can move on as well. My own home needs a good cleaning, and I need to catch up on my university study which has been badly neglected during the past week. And I can do so knowing that my son will be okay now. I'm immensely proud of my boy.

“It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” ~ Epictetus

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