The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

On the road again...

...this time headed downhill (metaphorically and literally) from the ice fields to Jasper. It was a day of waterfalls - Tangle Falls (main and my favourite), Sunwapta and the Athabasca. These were interspersed with lots of roadside stops - extras 1, another beautiful picnic spot - extras 3. One of my favourite photography days after being ill, the reduction in altitude being more conducive to breathing!

We arrived in Jasper about teatime to find our accommodation wasn’t ready, in fact our bedding was still hanging on the washing line! What to do...take more photos of course. Extras 2 remind me of clematis seed heads but these were growing wild on the ground. Extras 4 was our wildlife encounter of the day...Mr and Mrs Elk who’d brought the highway to a standstill.

Next came the photographers revolt and it was several hours before we were all fed and settled for the evening, not knowing where we’d spend the rest of the week having refused to stay in the booked accommodation. I didn’t envy Mike and John their jobs that evening!

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