Hard Work

Lovely morning meeting BlackTulip and her husband JJ at Cotehele Quay this morning. We had a lovely chat over a cup of tea - peppermint for me! We watched the Calstock Quay Gig Club get their gig out of the water , not easy given it's length and the fact the river was low and there was a big bank of mud to get it over! As you can see Oscar was fascinated! One of the rowers was Scouts mum who came over for a cuddle with Oscar, who for the second time took her earring from her ear! Lots of queries once more over what breed Oscar was, and as JJ pointed out, maybe I was pronouncing his breed wrong - saying Berger as in burger! Maybe it should be a soft g! Will have to ask The exile when she returns tomorrow! 
Oscar did very well but as time went on began to whimper, he obviously wanted a nap! He was ok sharing my ice cream and then BlackTulips friends arrived and we said our goodbyes.
We both slept once home! It had been a restless night as I kept waking to hear FatCat hissing at Oscar! When we went downstairs come morning FatCat was by the stairs and Oscar went too close for comfort and was swiped at by her! Fatcat does not like sharing the attic with him! Come the evening walk I bumped into my neighbour and Oscar now has a playdate Wednesday with Frankie their bulldog!
The bad news is that tonight Oscar nipped me and drew blood during his manic playful 30 mins.  I gave a high pitched yelp as one is supposed to do when they play too rough, more because it hurt than because I was following advice I'd read! I then locked myself in the bathroom as I cleaned it and put a plaster on - think it was just his eye tooth that pierced the skin and it was a playful mishap. But I followed the advice of making myself unavailable and curtailing the play to reinforce the fact that such behaviour is non- rewarding. He was much calmer when I came out. Also Oscar has taken against the locusts in Gunthers tank and is barking at them! I had to turn the light out so he couldn't see them! The final bad habit is the eating of small pebbles! I can see I'm going to have to stock my freezer with frozen chew toys once the teething begins in earnest any day now! 
Right I'm off to bed now as I'm exhausted! Lets hope fatcat is more accepting of Oscar in the attic tonight!

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