This morning was calm with a lovely stream of sun drifting through the garden, the morning kindergarten was in progress focusing on learning to fly. With much chirping and fluttering the tiny wings of the sparrows are slowly getting stronger. Its quite entertaining at times as they start out fine but as they near a tree they run out of steam, never sure if they'll make it but with an extra push they always seem to.
Just on lunch a gentle breeze came through which soon became quite gusty.
This wee silvereye was having a little swing before a huge gust of wind came along and caught us both unawares, the branch went flying, the silvereye went flying and I was left with a big blob of nothing in my image - I was so lucky to get this one and another.
Mr and Mrs Blackbird and fledging have been following me round the garden as I weed and turn the soil. As soon as I move on they move in pecking at the soil and rushing to feed the young one.
Hope you don't mind another image from my garden, the silvereyes will be gone soon, back to the forests. I no longer feed them as they're simply not interested in my bread, apples or other fruit, they much prefer the flying insects and the aphids on the rose bushes. If anyone can tell me the name of the tree I'd be so grateful. Its quite pretty with its tiny leaves and the odd autumn coloured one or two. Its on our neighbours property between lancewoods, lacebarks and black beech, all native trees to NZ.
Many thanks for yesterdays words, stars and hearts, the wee silvereyes are so cute with their 'cheet-cheet' calls and sweet little eyes. I was pleased I didn't crop as quite often we forget how tiny these birds are as we're so keen to 'get the detail' :))
Must fly now, washing to get in, tea to organise, gardening tools to put away, check the mailbox and so the list goes on.......
Hope your all having a great day :)
Silvereye - Holding tight
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