La vida de Annie

By Annie

Reunión general anual.

This morning was held the community AGM. Still muzzy with the lurgy and sitting at the back, I could hear very little of the essentially boring proceedings so didn't feel obliged to vote on anything, especially the amendment to the rules that no pellet burners be allowed. I am under instructions to have the offending (and very expensive) item removed and the 4" hole in the wall filled in. The after-party held in the afternoon at the Marina was full of all the usual suspects faking bonhomie and doing a lot of group hugs and hilarious banter while drinking as much as possible. I had a single glass of agua con gas and fed Maxie cheese cubes and bits of meatball under the table. She'd obvously heard that there was to be food and insisted on coming with me.
What is the collective name for a group of arseholes? Dave and his wife (pictured) are not in that category.
Edit: I have found some suggestions here.

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