A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Birthday Bash

Although the party was on Saturday, the photo-booth picture-taking occurred just after midnight, so it counts for a Sunday entry in my journal.

In fact our Saturday night didn't end until about 4 o'clock on Sunday morning, but that is another story. One of accepting a friend's offer to stay over in Gibraltar, being woken by the phone at 3 in the morning to realise guests from Sweden could not get into their rented house as there was no key, and a very rapid exit from Gib into Spain to be back at PP by just before four.

The poor Swedes were sitting around the patio table of their rented house in the glow of the alley lights and did not look amused.


Ah well, it was a good party, complete with ABBA tribute. What more could a lady want for her 60th?

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