Week 39.
I'm so tired that my story of last week is short.
We have seen with my son our friends and two of his Godmothers. We went to a restaurant eat one day and I bought his first meal of restaurants menu, I choosed salmon and fries because.
We didn't go to swimming this week but to color bath we did go.
Last week and this week Iverbeen sewing alot when my son has been sleeping. I have sewed a hoodie for me, pants and hoodie (green one in picture) for my son and two onesies..
I'm missing Otto alot. I think I've never missed him as much. I even miss all those things about him that normally annoys me... One week more to go before his business trip in Singapore is over.
P.S. My sons pose when he 'takes a picture' with my camera is really funny in my opinion.
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