Beautiful Bella

Watched the Ryder Cup for a while first thing, whilst we had beans on toast for brunch.

Then we picked up daughter and drove over to Congleton to visit DiL, Olivia and Isabella. Middle son was working......but we saw him later on.

The girls are growing up so fast, Isabella here now 3, at nursery, learning to swim, speaking much more clearly. Her sister Olivia in extras, looking thrilled to find some gold glittery paper to write her christmas list to Santa on, is 5, in her second year at school, can swim, write and read really well for her age too. As you can see she has filled out and grown a few inches, eats much better than she used to, thank goodness :-)

We had a lovely afternoon playing, watched the Greatest Showman again !!! Id made a chicken and pasta bake which we took with us for dinner.......son got back from work just before 5 so we had a couple more hours before heading home.

We had a family conflab about christmas arrangements too!!

Just watched Vanity Fair, and now to catch up on the splendid European victory in the Ryder Cup :-D

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