Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A baseball game today

My best friend and cousin Dee has a grandson who is going to university this fall where he is trying out to play for the baseball team there in the spring.  She wanted to go see them play a practice game today and asked me to go with her so of course I said sure!    

The school is a satellite branch of the University of South Carolina in a small town a little over an hour away.  What I learned today, there are 46 young men who will play ball for the fall season which I think ends at the end of October.  Then at the end of this practice season only 26 of these guys will be picked to play on the spring team.   The team plays against other small schools that do the same thing with their students.  Some of these guys that make the cut will play two years at this school and then have the opportunity to transfer to the main school in Columbia.  P plays short stop and also pitches.  He was the starting pitcher at his high school  but he likes to play short stop more than pitching.  He told me he gets too anxious if he has to pitch.   

So we spent the afternoon watching these young men playing ball.  They really did well considering they had never played together before.  

In this photo, P is at bat...and he did get a hit!  I sure hope he makes the cut in a couple of months!  

And wow,  trying to take photos of moving people with so much going on..I finally put the camera on the sports mode and moved up next to the fence so I could shoot between the metal wire.    I did get a few good ones of him running   but I know I don't want to be a sports photographer!!  

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