
By AnnieBScotland


absolutely horrible day - like most of the country it is not the weather for outdoor photography. So I opened the dining room window wide and took a close up of the lichen on some logs we have waiting to be sawn up for the fire. These are fresh branches from trees down in the village that are being felled as part of a woodland management project. I think they are birch. The colours and textures are amazing!

my other option was a blip of my mid morning treat - nice coffee and a cinnamon twirl. Well in this weather you need a treat don't you? I blame my northern England upbringing in the 50s for my sweet tooth - did anyone else get a bag of sugar with a stick of raw rhubarb to dunk in it? or bread spread with condensed milk? or bread with butter and sugar? We weren't well off and I think now that these were all cheap ways of making sure we got the calories we needed. Plus the puddings at school - though I could never stomach tapioca or - ugh - sago!! but give me apple crumble and custard and it doesn't even touch the sides!

Like many women, I love chocolate, and I know we are just supposed to have a small square of something very dark - but against a whole bar of galaxy - no contest!

So - next week when John is away will be a productive, abstemious , healthy eating week... except I might just have another wee treat when I send off the OU assisgnment!!!

hope everyone is surviving. anyone building an Ark??

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