Dolly and Shep's gotcha day

It's Shep's birthday today, more accurately his gotcha day, he came to live with us 4 years ago today! He's ever such a good boy, although still a little timid if there is too much going on! We have spoiled them with raisins and we picked up a new bed from Ikea for them, the same one Kiki and Hubert have, they've already been investigating!

We got Kiki's scan results today, they couldn't detect any spread from her melanoma, so that's excellent news! They think that the lymph node is just a reactive symptom, rather than the melanoma, also good news! They've recommended surgery to remove her ear and lymph node, she'll be a little lopsided afterwards! She scheduled for Monday, our own vet is going to carry out the surgery, it should be reasonably straight forward! We were so relieved about the scan results, I felt like a weight lifted off my chest that I hadn't even noticed was there! Still a long way to go yet, but my girl is a tough cookie, we've got to give her every chance we can!

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