
By NellieD

A ladybird with an STI!

I was reading Mrs HCB's posts about Pinktober and saw that the sedum is still really pink in the garden. A close-to-home blip, and the chance for me to capture the colour before it disappears completely.

As I was zooming in, I saw there was a ladybird nestled in amongst the sedum. The internet tells me it's a Harlequin ladybird or a "Halloween" ladybird, because of the time of year they flock to the UK.

It is rumoured they pass on a dangerous STI to our native ladybirds. Laboulbeniales is a form of fungi that can spread through close contact during mating, or passed on when they huddle close together. I hope they practise safe ladybird cuddles!

Off to sign language choir later. We have a huge list of Christmas carols to start practising!

Quote for today:
I'm sending luck and wishes
All wrapped up in a hug
Good things should come your way
With this tiny ladybug.
- Unknown

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