
By HeartFreek

Best laid plans!

I had todays blip all planned out.

I was due to meet a friend at the gym and was going to get her to blip me 'planking' (!) but my daughter called and needed to see me so that cut my session short. (I dont mind - she's far more important.)

I blipped with my iphone while on the crosstrainer in the mirror, but that was rubbish!

I then stopped on the way to work and blipped some cows, but they all had their bums facing me, so they were rubbish!

I took plenty of official photos of a sibling group of 6 I was supervising at work, but obvioulsy couldn't use those so Rubbish!

but then.........on the way home, late and tired - about a quater of a mile from my house, I took a short cut and found this pretty picture!


2 reports to write then Snuggle time and bed!


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