
I went out for a run, this morning, my first since the marathon last Sunday. I'd planned to run thirteen miles but then I read an article that suggested I should only do six, which turned out to be sound advice as my thighs were quite achey when I got home (having been fine all week).

As I was running up my last stretch of the A65, past the school, I run under a number of horse chestnut trees and saw conkers on the ground. Last week, I was telling the miniMinx how people said that having conkers in your house would keep spiders away. And she hates spiders. 

So later on in the afternoon, I took that route on my way to Booths, collecting these to take to Chorley tomorrow. I'm not sure there's any truth in their spider repelling reputation but it might make the miniMinx sleep a little better!

-13.1 kgs
0 words
Matt Haig’s ‘How To Stop Time’

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