Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Stripping off

Not such a good night - Henry kept waking up with his horrible cough so we were all pretty tired today. He had a good day at nursery apart from a temperature of 39 at lunchtime - although apparently he was quite happy otherwise! After a sleep and some calpol it came down, but he's not eaten much and keeps pointing to his throat.

He's given me his virus and I actually feel pretty ill - my throat is very sore and I just want to crawl into bed and hibernate there for a few days. Unfortunately I'm working 13hr shifts over the weekend, so I've stocked up on aspirin and cough medicine and hope that will get me through.

Today's blip is Henry very pleased with himself after figuring out how to take his trousers off! I can see him being one of those children that gets naked at any opportunity. The only reason he can't get tops off is because he can't get them over his huge head!

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