9 years!

We've been married 9 years today!
A good day; a friend over to shower, a Skype, a picnic with the kids, asha's first driving lesson (!), an x-ray (!!!), a wonderful evening out.
Very grateful to my Grandma who paid for Asha to have 2 private x-rays...we see a doctor tomorrow to find out if her wrists have healed.
Also very grateful to Jud for babysitting the kids so we could have our first evening out together kid-free in 4 years! Each place we went to we were well looked after...an aperitif in our friends Vermouth bar...moules frites up in Sa Penya...dessert in another friends bar. Wonderful! Complimentary desserts and drinks along the way! Looooovely to have an evening just the 2 of us!

An extra pic of some seriously old photos of the 2 of us!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Skype!
2) 9 years married to Danny.
3) Mamie's generosity making the process of Asha's x-rays so much quicker.

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