
If I put labels on people I get into trouble with Mrs. K. Quite rightly i expect, but I am not alone in doing it.

I suspect that some folk looking at me would label me as a member of the educated middle class, if such a class of people exists any longer.

Moreover, as such a person I might be expected to have certain prejudices although that might be a further unreasonable generalisation.

One of those might well be to be rather scathing about garden gnomes. Certainly I would be unlikely to have in my garden one of those with a red cap, a white beard and a fishing rod.

And yet there is something about this little fellow that attracts me. It seems to me that the artist has successfully created the epitome of mischievous fun. Passing him when we go to the garden centre for coffee always brings a grin to my face. Perhaps one day I might even find him a place in my semi wilderness.

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