
By strawhouse


Miss E got dressed for school this morning, desperate to get in and discover the answer to a murder mystery they've been working on.
Halfway to school she went white as a sheet and urgently asked for the sick bag I keep in the glove compartment. She wasn't sick but, like yesterday I thought there was little point in sending her in.
I was working near Bicester and my mum came to the rescue and came to get Miss E from there before my lesson started.
I went to my mum's once I'd finished and had a few hours drinking tea and popping down to M&S and the charity shops.
I had planned to go home before heading to Brackley to watch Miss L in a hockey match. But I dithered for so long there seemed very little point so we went straight to the match from Bicester.
As usual at the school in Brackley it was freezing, freezing cold and Miss E was a bit whingy. I suggested she sit in the car but she sweetly wanted to support Miss L.
After match tea we popped to the antiques centre for a very quick browse. The Little Misses found loads of treasures as usual. Miss L wants to get back with her pocket money as soon as possible.
Miss E had clearly perked up by the time we got home and they both dashed out into the garden and onto the trampoline.
These two like nothing better than going on the trampoline with the hose. I love listening to their crazy squealing!!
I'm not so keen on the wet, muddy trail of footprints leading up to the bathroom and the pile of soggy clothes left in the bath for me to deal with it.
But it gets them in the shower without a fuss!!
Mr K worked late tonight - a deadline looming and all the usual stress than entails.
I did suggest at 10pm that he stay over in Oxford but he came home anyway. Ready to go back to work first thing tomorrow!!

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