Steam train

Today was our last walk and we had decided to take a walk through the forest to a nearby train station that offered a ride on a steam train. The sun was shining the air crisp and the forest was a delight  as the autumnal colours are starting to show with the ferns starting to turn orange against a mix of oaks trees, sweet chestnut, hazel and small areas of conifers.  No wonder the wild boars are thriving.  I couldn't believe how much vegetation they are capable of turning over.  The areas looked like a JCB had been at work where all the grass was messed up.  We came across a small group of five crossing our path on the way out, see extras.

We reached the station and boarded the steam train for a return journey. It was noticeable just how much damage the boars had done to the grass verges and all the residential properties had either fenced or gated their houses.   One of our group discussed the boars with a local resident who said the animals were out most evenings.   The walk back to our cars was equally enjoyable we spotted a larger group of boars that moved very rapidly away from us.  In all we managed to cover about 6 miles  before setting off for home.

Its been a good break and wonderful to be based in the middle of the forest. 

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