
By Grimsayer

Spinner at work

Zoom in and you should be able to see Tricia spinning away.
A morning visit to the orthopedic consultant and the unsurprising news that my knees are effectively 83% shot - one compartment out of six didn't look too arthritic. All very efficient. See the consultant, go off for an X-ray then back in with the consultant for the news.
The picture painted of the knee replacement operation was not a cheerful one - "Most people regretting having it done for the first three weeks after the operation" and the like. Decisions to be made.
Evening and some visiting friends, M&C, around for dinner along with Marwa, finishing off some of last year's lamb before the arrival of this years new stock. A dent was also made in our red wine lake,  to horribly mix metaphors.

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