New things
Well after a rocky start to the day (broken shower, arguing son and daredevil pre-schooler) Miss Pink and started off on the next stage of our lives. Miss Pink readying for "big" school.
Miss Pink had her taster session at master Pinks school this morning, and although hesitant to start, the company of several best friends, and a bear hunt to go on won her over. Her prospective teacher read the bear hunt to everyone and then sent us all off on different tasks; first searching for bears in the woods which Miss Pink enjoyed a lot. Next miss pink chose a biscuit to decorate, made a beat necklace, a bear mask, binoculars to look for bears and some bear playdough. She even had time for a couple of bear stories in the dark cave with a "bigger" girl.
After we left, miss pink said; when can I go back to big school? What number do I need to be?
After school pick up this afternoon the chaos continued with the tiler paying us a visit and suggesting that he starts tomorrow. Very exciting but we needed to clear the kitchen first. I did what I could and then left Mr Pink to finish off while I went to the cinema. It was a Pre-booked and much anticipated trip with the girls to ogle vampires and werewolves.
Oh and this is Miss Pink's new coat. :)
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