Snoozing on the Beach!

I am really struggling with exhaustion at the moment! All the excitement and emotion from the last week or so has really taken its toll! I struggled to get up this morning despite an early night!

Luckily I only had a morning job, then Mr W took me to Brighton so he could take something he bought me back to Boux some lovely Lacey underwear or a Silky nighty...but a great pair of PJ's that make me look like an actual Giraffe!!! He bought 2 lots as he wan't sure what size I was. He gave me the pair that a whale could fit in and I tried them on and told him they looked great before he handed me the pair that was actually my size!!!

We went to Brighton on the Motorbike so we could park easily - and freely. It was a nice ride down.

We had doughnuts and cheesy chips on the beach then had a little doze on the sunshine which was lovely and well needed.

I asked Mr W if we could hang about for the sunset by the West Pier but as usual, a cloud bank appeared so no sunset but it still looked quite magical.

Home now, PJ's on and I can feel another early night coming on!!!!


Happy 19th Birthday to Victor too. Thinking of you and your family. I wonder if you know about me yet?? xXx

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