
My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Here we are in Palmerston North. We arrived at about 9:30am and Cazza immediately had to go off to a meeting, leaving me to my own devices for an hour or two. 

Actually "devices" is too strong a word. What I really did was check into the hotel and fart about on the laptop for 2 hours while listening to my iPod.

I was having SO MUCH FUN doing that. Completely on my own I just went for it. Singing along and making "air guitar" faces when someone did a bit of shredding. My absolute favourite was this song. Look, I know it is cheesy and over the top, but then again so am I. 

If you are feeling at all low today, then I recommend you put on "Carry On My Wayward Son" and join in. Seriously. Pretend you are a serious musician in a 1970's rock band and really EMOTE when the deep lyrics kick in. I cracked myself up. Air guitar face though. Essential.

Then there was ABBA and The Eagles and Blondie and Fleetwood Mac and Tom Petty and I was a member of all their bands and playing air bongos and air maracas and ooh, hello Cazza, no, no, I was just errrr reading. 

We walked around Palmy. Cazza tells me she needs promotional material on the town. "We've got TWO photos of Palmerston North in our marketing archive," she went on. "And they are both sh*t."

So we walked over to The Green, which is a nice little area and Cazza took lots of, "Palmerston North! The Beating Heart of New Zealand!" type photos.

See, this is the thing about the place. It is landlocked. And this causes a certain amount of snobbery toward it from the coastal areas (I am told). Plus John Cleese was very rude about it, which prompted the locals to name a landfill area after him.

But actually we had a great time in Palmy. We got taken out by Christine & Wayne. Christine is Cazza's mate from the local health board. They took us to a craft beer place where I sampled "Purple Rain" which is a blackcurrant cider. Then off to "Aberdeen" for steaks. It was a very funny evening with the pair of them, but they also had time to point out the benefits of living here.

"We may be an hour from the coast," they said, "But that's STILL quicker than getting to it through Auckland traffic. AND we're also an hour away from Taupo, from Ruapehu..."

Cazza was busily taking notes.

So it was a good evening. But still I miss me pusscats. It will be good to be home in jarmies soon.


p.s. Note special guest star in today's picture.

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