Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Hey?.Look at THAT!

It started out a lovely day so The Boss and ME went on a perimeter walk. That's a big walk round the outside of the older part of town which includes some up, down and sideways work and goes past the golf course which is on a hill behind the town and one of the most scenic courses around. The main entry to Wanaka is from the South and at that point there is a huge roundabout being built. It is really needed as the traffic splits in two directions and while coming into town is easy, leaving is a lot more difficult and involves crossing a fast flowing downhill flow while you are going uphill. Roundabouts sort these traffic things out really well but it will now not be finished till after Christmas which is a major time for our little town. In New Zealand Christmas if the major holiday period and much depends on the weather to ensure all the families that stream into town with tents, boats, bikes and all the usual holiday stuff have a great time. And it ain't necessarily so as weather patterns have changed a lot over the years. The smart money takes holidays later in the year but lots of folk just can't do this and it's Christmas or bust mostly through the country. Schools go back in February.
This shot shows the Marina over on the right and yes, that is a houseboat out front famous for picking up missing brides on remote beaches. You need to ask Jim H about that!
So there I was on the seat admiring the view when this flock of folk eating ice creams comes my way.
I have heard about ice creams but The Boss is determined that not a morsel shall cross my lips having had a very bad experience with Maggie the Golden Retreiver, my predecessor.
Test the water

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