loco viejo


Pie n Chips... and wild mushrooms

Not the most exciting blip, but a record of my rare Friday night at home. Had to have the pie as "best before" date was Monday and I'm on IOM till Saturday... I'm an Aldi fan, but Aunt Bessie's crinkle cut chips are much better than Aldi's, though more expensive even on special offer...
A day in the office of fairly fruitless phoning for IOM appointments - have 5, need 15+... but at least it meant an evening at home.
Watched Monkman and Seagull's Genius Guide to Britain (https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2018/sep/17/monkman-seagull-genius-guide-britain), chatted with James about his Level 3 WSET course he starts tomorrow (he's worried he won't know enough / as much as the others, but he'll be fine - quite jealous, but couldn't do the course as I'd miss one session and the final exam through being on IOM - took that as sign I should do it next year...), and basically just chilled...

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