
There are still loads of apples in this abandoned orchard.
It's a pity :-/
Some of them are almost pink.... almost.
So I can tag this entry for BCAM :-))

Why pink? 
"It’s October and it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so please click here so that those who are not able to pay can have a free mammogram. " Thank you Marliske for bring us BCAM2018 in mind :-)

I had another appointment at the vet with Omo. After some investigations at another vet we finally had found the real reasons of his problems. It's neighter a bladder infection, nor Struvit stones, but cycts in his prostate. The only way to treat this is to castrate him. We choose a chemical castration. It's reversible after a year and without an OP.
I really hope that will help him and that it will not change his character .
I'm definitely not happy with this :-/

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