Each day a gift.

By Margiesy

I just had to blip our dinner tonight. Adapted from a Jaime Oliver recipe, it is everything I love in a meal - fresh, vibrant and healthy.
For the record : on a bed of Israeli couscous - lots of raw chopped vegetable (zucchini, carrot, capsicum, avocado. tomatoes, snow peas) sprinkled with parsley, spring onions and mint, a few pieces of middle eastern spiced chicken. And to top it all off a few dollops of garlic yoghurt!! I have to confess it was pretty good!
It was just the boys and I at home for dinner tonight - Greg is away on a fuel reduction burn today and wont be home till very late. They will be trying to get a few burns in before the bush really dries out and then it will need to wait till next autumn.
The weekend is nearly upon us and I am looking forward to it. Tomorrow I will spend the day at a sourdough bread making workshop at an artisan bakery. My big sis and niece are coming too so it should be a lot of fun.
On Sunday, Gembrook is hosting the annual fun run against Thomas the Tank Emgine which is very popular and raises quite a bit of money for charities helping children. I am helping out early with setting up duty. Sunday looks like being a lovely day and I hope to get a few train blips.
Jack is heading off tomorrow for a week with friends to a beachside town to celebrate the end of school. It is hard to believe that' my little boy' has now finished school and the next phase of his life is about to begin. He is taking a gap year and heading off overseas, probably Europe, with a friend, once they have saved enough cash.
As always I love to visit the journals I am subscribed to as often as I can and continue to be amazed at the subtle, yet powerful joy that blip brings to my life.
Have a wonderful weekend people!!!! :)

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