Hector's House

By MisterPrime


Ah, lovely fennel! A bit of a no-brainer really today. This came in yesterday's veg box and I'm going to eat it tomorrow night with sausage and pasta. Last night my lovely wife took me out for dinner to celebrate my 365 (she said something about my being 44 on Saturday but I knew what she really meant - she'll have to come up with something else for the all-the-fours!) - Le Bistrot Pierre do this very clever thing where they give you a load of little desserts all on he same plate (and an espresso), it's genius really... Beck's off out tonight so Katie and I are going to eat pizza and popcorn and watch 'Edward Scissorhands' - it 's shaping up to be a good weekend, all told!

Many thanks for all the congratulations yesterday!

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