A walk on the bus?!

This morning, on my walk, I was going ridiculously slow. I only went round the block and we didn't go out until 8.30am. Ann kept saying, 'Molly, you have been in bed since 10pm last night. Why are you being so snail like?'

Anyway it was a beautiful sunny day today so this afternoon Ann said, 'Molly, I know you're tired so we will go for your walk on the bus.' Mmmmmmm....................... I know I was being a bit slow this morning, but having a walk on a bus didn't sound like much fun to me.

But do you know what happened?........................... We walked the 2 mins to the bus stop and then jumped on a bus to 'Dreghorn Woods'. I love, love, love, 'Dreghorn Woods'. I get to be off my lead the whole time and I also get to splish, splash, splosh in the burn. Yay!

We walked through 'Dreghorn Woods' to 'Colinton' and then we jumped on another bus to 'Braidburn Valley Park' where I got to do more running and splish, splash, sploshing. Yay! I was so happy and bouncy.

When we came out of 'Braidburn Valley Park', Ann said, 'Molly, do you want to get the bus home or are you happy to walk for 20 mins on your lead?' Well, by then I'd forgotten that I walk in snail mode when I'm on my lead, so I was more than happy to walk home on my lead at a sensible pace.

I've had a lovely afternoon!

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